Thursday, November 21, 2019

Literature Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 5

Literature Review - Essay Example There are questions that often come up when the issue of abortion is deliberated upon: some critics believe that abortion compromises known standards of morality and allow people, most especially women, to abuse their bodies without minding that their random sexual habit would backfire in unwanted pregnancies (Dellapenna, 1979). But this assertion may not be true on all occasions since abortion has been deemed necessary in some complicated circumstances: for examples, victims of rapes, sexual harassment and other crimes against women may carry pregnancies that they do not want from such encounters—in such situations, they need to terminate them to remain sane and happy (Dellapenna, 1979). Why has abortion created this much trouble for all parties involved in its heated debate? Abortion, typically, is a medical procedure that involves removing living fetus from the womb of a woman. This process has been in practice over several centuries, but it becomes more pronounced in the current period because of the decay of morality in homes and societies. This has led to wanton sexual behavior that, on most occasions, leads to unwanted pregnancies that would be aborted (Dworkin, 1993). There are two perspectives to the matter of abortion: one school of thought regards the act as a subtle way to kill a living human soul (as in fetus); the other group sees it as an opportunity or right to freedom individual should enjoy, explaining that everyone should have the power of choice—whether to do abortion or not (Dworkin, 1993). The opponents of abortion think that people in America could help themselves if they would pay attention to their lifestyles and/or do Family Planning or Contraceptive Procedures to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The groups that support it believe that everyone could do whatever he/she likes in as much as the laws are not broken—this may include having the freedom to enjoy sex randomly; a practice that could cause

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